Not Alone

‘Cause there we are In the middle of the night…’ listening to Taylor Swift, I had it. The epiphany I have been waiting 41 years to come. (Okay, the last 5 years but you get my drift.) 

Running up Highland Blvd. (serendipitously in the middle of the night,)I was struck like a lightning bolt. 


Wait. What was this? 30 minutes earlier I had been feeling oh so very alone and on the verge of sending out invites for a pity party. 

In this moment, when I realized I didn’t feel alone, I also knew why. I was doing something my spirit had been asking me to do


(but first I needed to finish binge watching ‘Maid’ on Netflix.) Finally, the voice that was telling me to get outside and move my body won over my inertia.

I was running in 40 degree weather, precipitation delicately swirling in the beam from my headlamp, Taylor Swift singing ‘cause here we are again in the middle of the night, we’re dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light, it was rare, you were there, I remember it all too well…’ 

and there I was in the beautiful night, my soul so satisfied that my spirit was wrapped up in the moment, dancing right along with them. (In the middle of the night. In 40 degree weather). 

Was it I or my soul who was lonely?

Azure Taylor

A visionary leader, connector and giver. Azure is passionate about all things ‘living to the fullest’ and encouraging her fellow humans to be their most actualized selves. With a background in design, she revels in making beautiful spaces both physically and energetically.


The V-word, gateway to clarity.


Be yourself. No matter what.