Embracing fear as a friend

I was only half sure I truly got the meaning of Kip Moore’s insight and advice to treat fear as a friend. Treat fear as a friend…Okay I can do that. If Kip Moore, the majorly successful music artist, philanthropist and heart of gold human being says that’s the key to getting past the fear to do something great, I’ll do it. I just think it would be more potent if I really understood why. 

I pondered it, and while discussing a friend’s bold new endevor that was causing a fair bit of trepidation, I excitedly shared the juicy insight. But said “I know there is more to this than the surface understanding that I have.” So I yell an aside to God, “I know there is more underneath! Why should we treat fear as a friend?” And by the end of the 60 minute conversation that was miraculously taking place on a descent from a local mountain peak, I was struck. 

Fear is an indication that something exhilarating is on the other side. 

So..! Embracing fear as a friend is to say when fear comes up, you know it is a sign that something amazing lies on the other side of you taking that step forward. So when you see your old friend fear, say “get over here!” Bear hug the shit out of it, thank it for showing up, and look forward to the ride. 

Azure Taylor

A visionary leader, connector and giver. Azure is passionate about all things ‘living to the fullest’ and encouraging her fellow humans to be their most actualized selves. With a background in design, she revels in making beautiful spaces both physically and energetically.


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